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Presentations: From Puberty to Parenthood, a Social Norms Resource Forum

The Passages Project team hosted a research and implementation forum with colleagues from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal on Tuesday, July 17 2018. Social norms researchers and implementers from Save the Children, the Institute for Reproductive Health, Tearfund, Eglise du Christ au Congo, The Grandmother Project, and the John Hopkins University Global Early Adolescent Study shared results and experiences from their work and discussed how their findings can inform program activities and measurement of social norms interventions for reproductive health.

  • Download
  • Working with newly married couples & first-time parents: Challenges and opportunities - File Size: 711.79 KB
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  • Transforming Masculinities in Kinshasa, DRC - File Size: 3.17 MB
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  • Baseline Results from Transforming Masculinities - File Size: 631.86 KB
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  • The Bridge from Early Adolescence to Future Health and Well-being - File Size: 1.94 MB
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  • Change through Culture in the Girls’ Holistic Development Programme - File Size: 3.68 MB
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  • Growing up GREAT! - File Size: 869.75 KB
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  • Wave 1 Results Global Early Adolescent Study in Kinshasa - File Size: 1.95 MB

Resource Snapshot

Publisher IRH

Year 2018

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