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GREAT Scalable Toolkit, English

The Gender Roles, Equality and Transformation (GREAT) Project worked to improve gender equity and reproductive health in Northern Uganda (2010-2017). The GREAT approach uses radio drama, community mobilization, and small group discussions to promote dialogue and reflection among adolescents, with the goal of facilitating the formation of gender equitable norms and the adoption of attitudes and behaviors that positively influence health outcomes among boys and girls aged 10 to 29. The GREAT toolkit is the centerpiece of the project and includes a set of fun, interactive and age-tailored materials for very young adolescents (10-14 years), older adolescents (15-19 years) and newly married and parenting adolescents and youth.

  • Download
  • About the Toolkit - File Size: 59.61 KB
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  • Flipbooks for Girls - File Size: 47.59 MB
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  • Flipbooks for Boys - File Size: 38.61 MB
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  • Activity Cards: Very Young Adolescents - File Size: 2.52 MB
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  • Activity Cards: Older Adolescents - File Size: 5.21 MB
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  • Activity Cards: Married/Parenting Adolescents - File Size: 4.36 MB
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  • Radio Discussion Guide - File Size: 533.13 KB
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  • Community Game - File Size: 4.30 MB
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  • Episode 1 Script - File Size: 199.33 KB

Resource Snapshot

Publisher IRH/Pathfinder International/Save the Children

Year 2013

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