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Improving Implementation

The Passages Project contributed to improving the implementation of norms-shifting approaches and interventions. Our contributions in this area included reflections on defining norms-shifting interventions and articulating how they are designed, implemented, and monitored. We examined ethical considerations around implementing norms-shifting interventions related to entering and working with communities and mitigating and responding to backlash or pushback.

Our contributions spanned from project-based resources, such as intervention implementation guidelines, to cross-cutting resources on concepts including monitoring, adaptive management, working with very young adolescents, and bringing ethical thinking to norms-shifting programs.

[Webinar] The ‘How-To’ of Norms-Shifting Interventions: Improving Implementation with the Passages Project

In this November 2021 webinar, speakers from the Passages Project consortium shared their experience working in the intersection of social norms and social and behavior change, designing programs, developing tools and guides to improve implementation, and best practices in monitoring and evaluation.

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Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms Into Social and Behavior Change Programs (English, French)

This tool is based on foundational social norms research and helps program implementers understand how to best integrate social norms-shifting programming into program design. It addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the program design cycle, and includes a PDF guide, workshop slide deck, activities, and worksheet templates for four main modules.

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Linking Community-Based Norms-Shifting Interventions to AYRH Services: A Guide for Program Managers

This tool provides program managers with a four-step process for interventions aiming to improve adolescent and youth reproductive health to create strategic service links with norms-shifting interventions. Through this process, community-based programs may ultimately improve impact.

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Monitoring Shifts in Social Norms: A Guidance Note for Program Implementers (English, French)

This resource highlights recommendations on how to best monitor social norms shifts in community-based programs and is intended for practitioners across sectors. It provides insights, considerations, and guidance on monitoring social and behavior change programs for practitioners who design, implement, and evaluate these programs.

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Adaptive Management: Learning and Action Approaches to Implementing Norms-Shifting Interventions (English, French)

This brief highlights the adaptive management approaches used in two Passages projects: Masculinité, Famille, et Foi and Growing Up GREAT! Learnings and insights from the two programs’ use of adaptive management in response to changing community contexts may be useful to program planners, implementers, and evaluators across sectors.

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The Passages Project: Final Report

The final report of the Passages Project presents the legacy contributions of our work towards mapping the why, what, and how of norms-shifting interventions as a pathway to improved adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.

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