Strengthening Scale-Up
In all its work, the Passages Project began with the end in mind, emphasizing the importance of scale-up at each stage of our community-based norms-shifting interventions.
First, we focused on understanding the innovation itself and how it is norms-shifting to ensure that implementing partners preserved the core principles during scale-up. Our practices included documenting and sharing answers to questions about the relative advantage, relevance, ease of use, value alignment, and necessary adaptations for scaling up norms-shifting innovations. Ultimately, we aimed to prove that the scale-up of norms-shifting interventions is possible.

[Webinar] The Ups and Downs of Scaling Up: Advice on Scaling Norms-Shifting Interventions
In March 2022 webinar, a panel of experts from the Passages Project discussed learnings from their experience scaling up norms-shifting interventions – sharing best practices, challenges, and guidance.
Learning from Five Norms Shifting Interventions Going to Scale
The slide doc highlights key lessons on scaling norms-shifting interventions from a comparative analysis of five Passages interventions. It includes work analyzing key wins, challenges, and lessons in planning and partnering for scale-up, supporting implementation by new scale-up partners, and using program theories of change to ensure focus on both normative and behavioral outcomes of scaling norms-shifting interventions.
Learn MoreConsiderations for Scaling Up Norms-Shifting Interventions for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (English, French)
This paper adds to the discussion around the theory and practice of scaling up norms-shifting approaches for adolescent and youth reproductive health programs, including under what circumstances scale up should be considered. It also provides considerations for designing scalable norms-shifting interventions.
Learn MoreScaling Up Normative Change Interventions for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
This literature review examines the scale-up of norms-shifting interventions related to adolescent and youth reproductive health. It aims to advance knowledge and increase utilization of evidence about normative change at scale.
Learn MoreEvaluating, Learning, and Adapting for Scale: Understanding How Norms-Shifting Interventions Work Through a Realist Evaluation of the Husbands’ School (English, French)
Realist evaluations address questions to bolster understanding of how individuals and communities are influenced by programs in complex social environments. This brief describes the Passages Husbands’ School intervention and how it applied realist evaluation in Niger.
Learn MoreThe Passages Project: Final Report
The final report of the Passages Project presents the legacy contributions of our work towards mapping the why, what, and how of norms-shifting interventions as a pathway to improved adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.
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