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Report: Passages Global Stakeholder Analysis

To inform the Passages Project’s overall vision and strategy, the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University conducted a stakeholder analysis, “Collaborating to Advance Normative Change for Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health: A Global Stakeholder Analysis to Survey the Landscape and Guide Collaboration and Action,” consisting of 147 online surveys and 21 in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the sexual and reproductive health and adolescent health fields. The stakeholder analysis sought to identify the existing knowledge level and attitudes among stakeholders towards normative interventions and their replication and scale-up, and where information is accessed to inform their work in these areas. The analysis also explored how social norms and scale-up evidence is disseminated and applied by practitioners, and related information needs including theoretical models, measurement and evaluation approaches, and implementation tools. The findings contribute to the Passages Project’s global leadership vision and strategy, and will assist Passages to effectively address knowledge and evidence needs in the field.

Resource Snapshot

Publisher FHI 360, Johns Hopkins GEAS, PSI, Save the Children, Tearfund

Year 2016

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