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REAL Fathers Mentor Curricula

A core activity of the Responsible, Engaged and Loving (REAL) Fathers Project is mentoring. Mentors are men whom young fathers identify as those they admire and relate to, and work with young fathers in a non-judgmental, open and proactive way. Through individual conversations with each young father once a month for six months and group discussions, Mentors offer young fathers the opportunity to reflect on and practice positive communication and conflict-resolution skills, as well as provide specific ways to be supportive partners. Young fathers’ wives are engaged through two mentoring visits and one group meeting. Mentors use a structured Mentor Visit Protocol for home visits and group meetings. The Mentor Training Curriculum aims to prepare Mentors through a five-day training.

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  • Mentor Visit Protocol - File Size: 828.38 KB
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  • Mentor Training Curriculum - File Size: 506.28 KB

Resource Snapshot

Publisher IRH/Save the Children

Year 2013

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