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Passages Theory of Change: Changing Social Norms for Family Planning and Reproductive Health

This brief summarizes and highlights key components of the Passages Theory of Change report, which lays out the pathways of norms change that guide the norms-shifting interventions encompassed by the Passages Project.  The Passages Theory of Change reflects core elements and mechanisms across Passages interventions and studies, including: Transforming Masculinities/Masculinité, Famille et Foi  in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Growing Up Great!/Bien Grandir! in the DRC; Husbands’ Schools/École des Maris in Niger; and Girls’ Holistic Development/Développement Holistique des Filles  in Senegal.

The Passages Theory of Change was designed through a review of the literature and reflection on individual Passages intervention Theories of Change. This brief provides a high-level illustration of how and why the project goal of improved family planning, reproductive health, and well-being among young people is expected to result from the interventions.

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Year 2022

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