Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers
This handbook includes a chapter on fertility awareness-based methods of family planning, highlighting the Standard Days Method® and TwoDay Method®. The publication was developed by the World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins University, and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Keywords: lactational amenorrhea method, LAM, MAMA, MDD, MDF, MDJ, MELA, methode de l’allaitement maternel et de l’amenorrhee, Methode des Deux Jours, Methode des Jours Fixes, Metodo de Dias Fijos, Metodo de Dos Dias, Metodo de Lactancia y Amenorrea, MJF, SDM, Standard Days Method, TDM, TwoDay Method, WHO, Spanish, French, Planification familiale: manuel à l’intention des prestataires de services du monde entier, Planifi cación Familiar: Un Manual Mundial para Proveedores
Resource Snapshot

Publisher World Health Organization
Year 2018