Exploring social norms around reproductive health affecting unmarried adolescent girls in Burundi
Passages conducted a qualitative study in four provinces in Burundi to explore social norms related to reproductive health (RH) behaviors in unmarried adolescent girls and young women (15-19 years). The study simultaneously aimed to identify relevant individuals and groups who influence and uphold these social norms. A total of 12 focus group discussions (FGDs) with adolescent girls and young women and 18 FGDs with key influencers were conducted between December 2019 and January 2020. The FGDs focused on four domains of inquiry: 1) menstruation and menstrual hygiene management, 2) sexual risk behaviors, 3) sexual violence, and 4) fertility and voluntary family planning use.
This study report documents the methods, findings and key learnings. Based on the findings and knowledge of current social norms research and interventions that is focused on RH for adolescent girls and young women, several key recommendations are elaborated and potential entry points to engage with key influence groups and accompanying strategies for future norms-shifting interventions are advanced.
Resource Snapshot

Year 2021