Lactational Amenorrhea Method | Resource Repository

The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) is a short-term family planning method based on the natural effect of breastfeeding on fertility. The act of exclusive breastfeeding suppresses the release of hormones that are necessary for ovulation. If certain conditions are met, the method provides protection from pregnancy for a woman immediately following birth until the child is six months old. LAM can also help increase optimal breastfeeding practices and good infant nutrition.
Using LAM provides the couple time to decide on another modern method to use after LAM no longer offers effective protection from pregnancy. Counseling should include information about other methods and reinforce the need for a timely transition to another method.
Below is a curated list of resources for program managers, providers, and policymakers interested in integrating LAM into programs and services. Resources can be downloaded and adapted for programs as needed.
The LAM Training Skills Course, designed as a 3-day course, will prepare participants to facilitate a LAM Workshop for Family Planning Service Providers. The “LAM Training Skills Course” learning resource package is composed of four main components:
- LAM Training Skills Course: Trainer’s Notebook ENGLISH | FRENCH All materials needed to conduct the LAM course, including: model course outlines, which provide a detailed plan for how key portions of course may be conducted; pre- and post-course knowledge assessments and answer keys; a collection of teaching aids and exercises, including facilitator notes/instructions and answer keys; and a thumbnail version of the Graphics Presentations (further described below), as well as narration notes. The Notebook also includes a complete copy of the Participant’s Notebook (further described below).
- LAM Training Skills Course: Participant’s Notebook ENGLISH | FRENCH Contains participant materials that accompany or support several of the course segments and activities, enhancing the learning experience. Included are: an introduction, model course agendas, exercise prompts and answer sheets, a training skills assessment checklist, a training skills reference and a course evaluation.
- LAM Technical Update and Training Skills Graphics Presentations ENGLISH These slides cover all the basic content for this portion of the course, providing a visual accompaniment to activities. Depending on resources available, these PowerPoint presentations can be projected via computer onto a screen, transferred for use on an overhead projector or a flip chart, or shared as a handout.
- Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): A Reference Manual for Service Providers ENGLISH This manual contains basic information about LAM and includes several key learning tools/job aids: the LAM Counseling Guide, LAM Client Education Card, LAM Counseling Checklist and LAM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These materials, and the manual as a whole, will be useful to the trainer and participants not only during the course/workshop, but in the clinical setting as well.
Provider Job Aids for Counseling Clients ENGLISH | FRENCH | SPANISH
Comic Book Booklet for Community Health Works ENGLISH | HINDI This booklet was developed in India as an easy and colorful tool to facilitate counseling by community health workers in offering LAM and the Standard Days Method. The booklet serves as a tool to: 1) generate awareness and disseminate knowledge about these methods in the community, 2) teach clients key information about both methods, and 3) counsel clients on the correct use of the two methods.
The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): A Postpartum Contraceptive Choice for Women who Breastfeed ENGLISH
Multicenter study of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): I. Efficacy, duration, and implications for clinical application ENGLISH
Multicenter study of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): II. Acceptability, utility, and policy implications ENGLISH
Multicenter study of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): III. Effectiveness, duration and satisfaction with reduced client-provider contact ENGLISH
These images are available for download and appropriate for incorporating into training resources and materials.