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| June 4, 2013

Irish Times features CycleBeads® use in Kenya’s poorest clinics

The Irish Times article, “Offering Kenyan women the means to control their fertility,” describes Kenya’s rising population and its negative consequences on health, education, employment opportunities, and natural resources.

“Early childbearing,” Irish Times’ Isabel Conway writes, “is the norm in this area, along with grinding poverty, unsafe illegal abortions and high maternal and infant mortality.” Women’s access to family planning methods is critical.

The article shares that a low-resource clinic — like Dophil Nursing and Maternity Home and Clinic in western Kenya — is grateful for the donations of CycleBeads®, condoms and cycles of the pill that arrive, especially since stocks of contraceptives “deplete with lightening speed” in these poverty-stricken communities.

Read the full article here.

We are proud of the impact that CycleBeads have had in a variety of settings. Thousands of women throughout Kenya as well as in Europe and in the US are using this family planning method to prevent pregnancy naturally. Whether using the physical beads as described in this article, or using the smartphone app or online service, this simple natural family planning method addresses a lot of issues many of which this article outlines — concerns about health and side-effects, contraceptive stock-outs, costs, and involving men in family planning.


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