Press Room Contact GUCCHD
| September 7, 2017

Where to find us: IRH and partners at the 2017 Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum

Are you – or someone you know – one of the 500 participants who will be at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in September? You won’t want to miss the exciting presentations, panels, and posters that IRH and our partners will showcase this year. 

At SVRI, IRH and partners will share our innovative work during 10 events and presentations. We will present the latest long-term follow-up results from the REAL Fathers Initiative pilot, a mentoring program for young fathers in Northern Uganda. We will also present formative research insights and the intervention design from Transforming Masculinities (known locally as Masculinite, Famille et Foi), a faith-based initiative to increase positive masculinities and prevent IPV in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For those interested in the intersection of IPV and family planning, the Passages Project’s gender-based violence task team is hosting a satellite session where participants will learn about and provide feedback to preliminary results of a literature review exploring these links.

Feel free reach out to one of IRH’s team members (Rebecka Lundgren, Esther Spindler, or Courtney McLarnon-Silk) at SVRI on the SVRI Whova conference app. We hope to see you there!

Download a copy of IRH’s full schedule for SVRI.


Monday, September 18

  • Exploring the Links Between Intimate Partner Violence and Family Planning Use: Building Knowledge for Normative Change to Promote Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
    Satellite Event | 5:00 – 7:00 pm | Urca
    (IRH, Tearfund, Promundo)


Tuesday, September 19

  • Faith and GBV
    Panel | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Copacabana
    (chaired by Tearfund)
  • Joint Learning Initiative’s Sexual and Gender-based Violence Hub
    Participant Led Event | 4:00 – 6:00 pm | Botafogo
    (Tearfund, IRH)


Wednesday, September 20

  • What happened to the Real Fathers one year later? Evaluating the long term effects of a fatherhood intervention in Northern Uganda
    Panel (Plenary Session – New Learnings in the Field Track) | 9:00 – 11:00 am | Gávea
    (IRH, Save the Children)
  • Masculinité, famille et foi intervention – Passages Project
    Panel (Parallel Session – Faith and VAW Track)  | 2:30 – 4:00 pm | Leme
  • INSPIRE – Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
    Participant Led Event | 3:30 – 6:30 pm | Botafogo
    (Together for Girls, Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, PAHO, WHO, UNICEF, and IRH to present)
  • Going to Scale: prioritizing communities and ensuring quality in sustainable social norm change
    Panel (Parallel Session) | 4:30 – 6:00 pm | Leme
    (Community for Understanding Scale-Up, IRH)


Thursday, September 21

  • Gender Roles, Equality and Transformation (GREAT)
    Panel (Parallel Session – Intervention Content on Social Norms Track) | 9:00 – 11:00 am | Vidigal
    (IRH, Save the Children, Pathfinder)
  • Building normative science: measuring the impact of a normative intervention in the DRC to reduce intimate partner violence and increase family planning use
    Science Pitch (Conflict, Post-Conflict and Humanitarian Settings Track) | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Vidigal
  • Their priority, our challenge: qualitative research on survivor perspectives across nine countries
    Science Pitch (Faith, Sexual Harassment, Responses Track)  |  11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Copacabana



[Photo Credit: Hamis Basalirwa, Save the Children]

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